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Rise Ringette Camp started in May of 2016 when Kirsti Mason decided she wanted to fulfill her dream of running her own ringette camp. In July of 2016, two week-long half-day camps were held in Nova Scotia at the BMO Centre and Cole Harbour Place. Since then, Rise Ringette Camp has partnered with Ringette Nova Scotia, the Nova Scotia U12 Enrichment Program, RingStart and hosts camps over the Holiday break. Rise Ringette Camp has since expanded by offering week-long full day camps to athletes in U7-U14 and running weekly evening development sessions to athletes in U14-U19 as the on-ice coordinator for Elite Ringette Academy.

There are four main focuses to Rise Ringette Camp:

1) Ice Sessions
2) Off-ice Training & Activities
3) Strategy Sessions
Ice Sessions

There will be at least ten hours of ice at each camp which will include a variety of drills. All drills are designed specifically for the age and skill level of the specific group. The curriculum includes:

  • Skating, edges and agility

  • Passing and shooting

  • Checking and channeling

  • Triangle and game scenarios

  • Fun Games

  • Inter-squad scrimmages

Off-ice Training

There will be at least five hours of off-ice training at each camp. The sessions will be designed specifically for the age and skill level of the specific group. The groups will participate in a variety of physical and fun activities including dryland that will focus on:

  • Conditioning

  • Strength and Power

  • Speed and Agility

  • Coordination

  • Multi-sport activities

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Strategy Sessions

It is often said that sport is 80% mental which is why each camp will include five hours of strategy sessions. These sessions will include discussions or activities regarding goal setting, pre-game mental preparation, nutrition and how to handle various game scenarios. These strategy sessions will vary dependent on age. For example, Advanced groups will dive into the specifics where as Development groups may play mind-challenging games.

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